Welcome to MaHI E H R!
Click on Link or scan the Q R Code.
Open with Google Chrome or other browser.
If you are already registered with us, please login with your credentials,
if you are new to this app, please click on sign up.
Click on Register Button!
Fill the details shown in form, We assured that your data will not share with anyone.
Your mobile numbers is, your User I D.
Don’t Forgot your Password.
Write your U I D number and Upload Clear image of U I D.
Write your Registration Number, and Upload clear image of your Registration.
Click on Save button!
Enter your Clinic or OPD details, and upload Logo of Your clinic.
Enter your latitude and longitude in respective spaces, you may copy it from Google Map.
Enter your Clinic Timing in Days.
Click copy button, it will automatically add to other days. Put zero zero, where have holiday.
Click on save button.
Add your fees to respective row and column.
Click on save Button, a confirmation screen will appear, Click on confirm Button
Your thirty Days Trial starts from today
You can download, this app on your mobile or Tab.
Click on Setting Button
Click on QR Code, This is your Clinic Information, where your Patients can take your Appointments specialized Chat Bot.
You can print this Q R Code, and place it where you fill Good. Near reception, waiting area or Door, Or you can send with social media also.
At Patient Side!
Your Patient or Client will scan the QR code with Google Lens.
Click on link appear on screen.
Open with Google Chrome.
Doctors details Appear on Screen.
Click on Book Appointment
Select date
Select time
Enter name Patient/client
Enter Phone Number of Patient or Family phone number,
Token will generated
Welcome to MaHI-HER
Login with your credentials
Click on OPD Button
You will find Patients appointment.
Click on patient name or add new name
Intial Assesment apper
Fill appropriate data
Click on save
App will directed to Consultation Tab
Type name referred by and to if necessary or enter No
Enter Complaints
If you are familiar with KCO enter the KCO. (You can Create your own KCO)
Enter Diagnosis according to you
Select appropriate advice to patient . (You can Create your own Advice)
Select medicine accordingly. And number of days, and instructions.
Select Lab Test
Ask for follow up enter number of Days
Enter specific instruction accordingly.
You can edit Consultation charges
Click on Save Button
If you want to change any parameter, you can do it before, entering Complete button.
Click on update and then complete button.
If Patient Paid to you then click on paid button. Compounder login also available this app, he will also collect amount and press Paid Button
Now you can click on Print Button.
PDF of prescription will appear
You can sent to patient with help of Whats’ app. It will automatically sent to pharmacy you selected.
You can add your Medicines
You can add your KCO
You can add your Advice
You can add your Instruction
You can add your Advice to data base
Every data is confidential and will not share with anyone without your permission.
Thank you